To explore the service ecosystem and create a new, secure, optimal Performance and Risk Management solution for a service of the MoD, allowing performance, risk, cost and finance to be collected, connected and improved across the entire service and estate.
The main challenges were :
1. Ensuring performance tasks were consistently, reliably and measurably assigned.
2. Collecting P&RM data in near real time, as automatically as possible, across many disparate systems, locations and processes.
3. Creating a system that could evaluate risks, enumerate performance and highlight impacts before they became issues.
4. Reporting P&RM in a meaningful and reliable manner to the right people at the required cadence in a highly secure fashion.
* Lack of visibility and poor communications hampered the current P&RM solution.
We researched the ecosystem thoroughly, understanding the need to connect the dots between the political, strategic, financial, tactical, governance, technology and security layers.
Thorough research was carried out across the estate as there are many user types to account for (all personnel at all levels have Performance and Risk Management responsibilities - from government to ground staff), many complex, interdependent processes to understand and many technology hurdles to over come. We dissected each process and established current time, cost and efficiency.
We produced a roadmap for task assignment and communication. We created common terminology and processes for task assignment, definition and delegation.
We expanded the project scope to encompass all of the required elements of P&RM that impact the client financially and politically, ensuring the solution would be fit for purpose.
We researched, architected and tested:
1. A tool that allowed performance to be recorded in real time, automatically and manually. It created and grew a dependency impact model so that chain reaction impacts could not only be predicted, but could be negated or highlighted well in advance of an incident.
2. A P&RM recording solution that allowed all staff to record their performance activities and observations against their assigned tasks in near real time, in meaningful numbers not just applied judgements.
3. A Reporting solution that allowed all responsible leaders to get accurate, meaningful, mineable data so that they could discuss or react to performance or risk data in near real time with confidence.
4. The integration of trackable data across the tactical and technical estate
We began the design of real-time financial impact tracking and modelling.
Reduction of wasted time creating reports for performance and risk.Reduction of time wasted I’m relatively meaningless (poor data) reporting meetings.
Greater, earlier, insights on the real impacts of actions and budgets on the ability for the client to carry out performance targets and strategic tasks.
The ability to translate and assign government level tasks into meaningful, measurable subtasks, down to the lowest required level.
The ability to report and score performance tasks and risks in a consistent, actionable way, all the way to the top of the reporting chain, aggregating impacts as they go.The ability to track and justify finance and performance against risks.
Measurable financial impact of risks on performance targets.